JOIN US! As we Expose, Engage, and Empower our Brady Scholars!
SEBA Testimonials
- “This place is awesome!”
- “I like how I got to work with my friends and how we actually got to know each other better.”
- “I already liked science, it was my third favorite subject. But then when I went to STEM and I learned more about science. Now, it became my second favorite.”
- “I hope that this program will move on to 6th grade.”
- “It was good because we did a lot of stuff and we had different tutors that would help you with projects. When you said you couldn’t do it or it’s too hard, they would help you and they would do stuff to make you feel good about yourself and get more involved in science.”
- “When I use to watch TV shows, science wasn’t really that interesting to me. All I saw them do was pour chemicals and it always exploded in their face. But now that I’ve come to this academy and have done science, I know that science is more than just stuff blowing up in your face and if you mess up you’ve got to try harder the next time.”